Tuesday, March 23, 2010


hei, i just did some blogwalking and i found a really really good quote,, hahahah it's about relationship and how we always complained about everything,, and i found one word that really got my attention,, LOL

"we might try to find someone is more good looking, more kind, more understanding, richer, more more more and never stop complaining"

you see what i'm sayin'?? hahaha until few months ago, i never thought that wealth, is something to think about, when it came to a relationship,, but guess i'm wrong,, i was too naive,, hahaha wealth or money, have come to everything in this world,, money can buy u everything,, trust me,, hahahaha they say money can't buy u love,, well, maybe it's true,, but one thing for sure, money can guarantee your relationship to last,, wkwkwkwkw lemme explain it in a mathematical way..

money + love = happily ever after
money + no love = may happily ever after
no money + love = still may happily ever after, but with lower percentage than the above
no money + no love = just go to hell, hahahaha

see, money hold a very important factor to relationship,, hahahahaha thx for the one who wrote the quotation,, it helps me to understand even more that, money is EVERYTHING...


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