Tuesday, June 30, 2009

guitar geek

i'm really confused with my feelings rite now,, i dunno.. with all the stupid advice from friends, with the shocking reality, with the lifestyle, everything.. i'm really confused...

i want to be rich, i want to be famous, i want to be a superstar,,

well, this post has nothing to do with the title,, haha well, maybe a little,,
i'm a lil bit confused rite now,, so don't bother to read this at all, cos it'll get u confused as well.. haha
hmm, i'm bored,, well, it's not like i had nothing to do,, i had things to do,, playing syrnia, watching movies, playing restaurant city, playing guitar geek, playing mafia wars, exercise,, but i dunno, the boring atmosphere can't get out of me,, haha i need something real to do,, but what is that?? michelle, have gone to sg for 2 days,, i haven't have a real talk with her for 6 days?? i dunno,, rite now i dunno what come into my mind... Liu and have been talking about opening this mini-cheesecake shop, that i've been searching for lots of cheesecake recipe,, haha i also had this idea of clothing with ernest, not to mention a noodle with wege,, hahaha i had a lot of idea of business,, but none of that had been working,, ahh.. o yeah, i just remembered that i need to list my to do list for tommorow,, ahh,, i need my burning fat training,, i need to sheed this fat off my stomach so i can finally see my muscle,, i want everything.....

Sunday, June 28, 2009

tadinya g mao nulis blog,, ad beberapa hal yang mengganjal,, hahah tapi gara2 tadi inet g mati,, sekarang jadi ilang momentum buat nulis,, wkwkw lagian ternyata ini blom juli,, jadi nanti aj blog panjangnya,, kwkkw

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

what date is today?? lemme see,, ahh, 3 june

g sebenernya lagi gk niat nge blog,, cuma karena g gk ad kerjaan juga, dan secara g tergugah, cielah bahasa g, oleh blogger2 lain yang terus meng update,, jadi g update lah,, hahaha
so, it's June already,, it's holiday month,, yeayy,, selamat berlibur semua,, *itu ucapan selamat buat kalian2 yang berlibur* kalo buat orang macam g yang mesti sp,, selamat menikmati masa kuliah anda,, hahaha shit.. g baru realized kmaren,, kalo nilai g ternyata hancur bgt,, oh tidakk,, g kayanya ud harus bener2 serius ini kuliah,, ckkcc duh tolong ya Tuhan, saya sedikit dikasi yang namanya kerajinan dan niat buat kuliah,, paling gk supaya lulus sdengan selamat aj dhe,, hahaha amin,,
so, cerita apa yang g punya untuk blog kali ini ya? let see, okay, first we got bbq party at wege's house,, well, not exactly a party since it's only 3 of us,, me, michelle and cindy,, but it's nice,, hahaha grill some fish and meat,, then go swimming,, and we go to poke in the evening,, hahah itu hari membahagiakan perut,, wkwkw after that we have SP,, semester pendek,, g sempet terancam gk ikut sp gara2 g lupa screening gitu, tapi untungnya ad yang namanya dispensasi, sehingga g tetep bisa ikut sp,, kalo ampe gk ikut sp,, bisa mati g,, nilai g berantakan abis, hahaha tapi g ud sempet mikir loh kalo ampe gk sp, g bakal magang di tempat tante g, terus g liburan lama, g ampe mikir buat off latian basket,, kwkwwkwk tapi Tuhan berkehendak lain,, haha terus juga, g maen lagi syrnia,, duh account g ud di delete,, jadi ualng lagi dhe dari awal,, sial,, hahaha well, that's the story of the past,, untuk future nya,, g mao bikin surat ilang,, terus ngurus cek fisik hari jumat,, dan g bingung g mao ngapain nanti weekend di bandung,, gk ad kerjaan punya ini pasti,, ckckc coba, pacar g ad di bandung,, huaahh,, hahaha sayang harapan tinggal harapan,, =p well, that's all for today,, see u at another time another day,, bye2 huahuahaua