Thursday, December 24, 2009

desperate loser

i'm really shit with the relationship, well, not relationship i think,, it's more of my feeling, my emotion i think,, hahaha no matter how i hard i told myself, to not get that attached, i was still got attached,, poor me.. well, this is going to be a rough ride, so, stop reading before u vomit,,
u're a very childish person, and i really hate it,, but why i still miss u,,
u're a very ignorant person, but why i still hope ur attention..
we weren't the most connecting couple out there, but why i still want to hang out with u,,
u in my logical mind, is really not appropriate for me,, but still, this lousy emotion of mine.. give me a headache each and sometime,, not everytime,, hahaha it's just my possessive mind maybe,, so pardon me,, after all, it was me who didn't want to get too attached, that makes the other end didn't get too attached too,, hahaha so, enjoy ur holiday, while i enjoy mine...

well, that was my thought a few days ago,, but now i'm feeling better.. the only reason i still posted it is because i just feel it's not fair if i say i'm okay, while the truth is i kind a stressed a little back then, hahaha but, it's the best for us to separated.. so, just cherished the memories.. and look for the future,,

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Moony - I don't Know Why

Never happy, not satisfied
Always complains for nothing
Hopes and dreams are fading away
It's not hard to figure it out
There's no doubt, you'll find a way
Live the moment, each and every day

I don't know why
I cannot see the beauty in front of me
I cannot...
I don't know whay
I cannot see the beauty in front of me (in front of me)

Now I see here
It's always been there
People like their simple things
Live the moment, each and every day

I don't know why
I cannot see the beauty in front of me
I cannot...
I don't know why
I cannot see the beauty in front of me (in front of me)

Is it there?
Is it right there?
Right in front of you (right in front of you)
This is what you've been looking for
For a long, long time
Make it real, make it right now (make it right now, make it right now)
You've got to live it now

I don't know why
I cannot see the beauty in front of me
I cannot...
I don't know why
I cannot see the beauty in front of me (in front of me)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


i can't sleep,, i really can't sleep,, help me please,, i have tons to do later,, but why still i can't sleep??? aarrggghhhh,, shit,,,, i think i'll have to postpone the baleno things until monday,, shit.. duh, g boros nih,, gk boros juga sih, secara masi awal bulan,, tapi entah mengapa, kok g merasa g boros ya?? ckckckck duh,,, ayo2, kurangin uang makan,, jangan makan kaya orang gila,, huahuahauhauhauahuahuahauha saya mau tidur,,,,,,,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

in need of a happy2 friend,, LOL

pria/ wanita asalh jangan maho, kalo lesbi gk papa
untuk dijadikan teman saya jalan2 dan senang2,,
kegiatan: jalan2, nonton2, makan2,,
pokoknya semua yang berbau senang2,, minum2 juga bisa,,, hahaha

g stress, g gk punya temen buat jalan2 disini,, shit....
gjadi kangen temen2 g,, hahahah kalo ad mereka, tinggal telpon,langsung berangkat pasti, walo gk kmana2, paling masih ad aktivitas paling,, disini, g stuck gk ad kerjaan tai, temen2 kampus g, pada susah diajak, temen kost g, entah knapa lagi ilang semua,, shit, giliran kmaren g PLO, rame lo orang, sekarang gilitan g kosong, malah pada ialng,, poor me,, hahahahah
duh, cepetan lah tanggal 16,, gk usa 16 dhe,, 12 aj, paling gk 12 ud ad liu di isni,, ud bebas g buat jalan2,, hahahahahahahahahaa

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

pertamaxx gan..

1st post in desember,, *like there will be another post in desember,, wkwkwkw*
duh, g sakit perut nih,, tete,, duh2, g ud beres nih tugas PLO, ud santai2 sekarang,, huahua,, tapi g jadi bingung, santai gini mao ngapain ya,, maen2 terus, bosen, dan g ngerasa gk guna,, mao belajar, niat ad sih, tapi praktek 0,, hahaha gimana dunk,,
duh, g besok sidang PLO nih,, mesti belajar,, hue, malasnya,, wkwkwkw